Henriette Jæger

2024 - 1 - 30

Henriette Jæger Sets Multiple Records in Norway's Track and Field Scene

Henriette Jæger - Norwegian athletics - record-breaking performances - track and field

Discover how Henriette Jæger shattered the indoor 400-meter record in Czech Republic and set a new Norwegian record in a thrilling athletic performance

In a spectacular display of talent and determination, Henriette Jæger recently made waves in the track and field world by smashing the indoor 400-meter record in the Czech Republic. The remarkable achievement took place during the World Indoor Tour in Ostrava, where Lieke Klaver from the Netherlands emerged victorious, setting a world-leading time of 50.54. Jæger's stellar performance not only set a new Norwegian indoor record on the distance but also showcased her exceptional athletic prowess.

Not stopping at the 400-meter triumph, Jæger continued her record-breaking spree by clocking 51.57 seconds, securing another Norwegian indoor record. Surpassing the previous record held by Amalie Iuel at 52.25, Jæger's remarkable feat marked her as a rising star in Norwegian athletics. Just days earlier, she had also claimed the Norwegian record for the 200 meters with a rapid time of 22.99 at a separate event, solidifying her position as a formidable talent in the sport.

Henriette Jæger's incredible back-to-back record-breaking performances have captivated the country, showcasing her exceptional speed and endurance on the track. Her swift ascent to glory, leaving a trail of shattered records in her wake, has undoubtedly secured her a prominent place in Norway's track and field history. The young athlete's dedication and hard work have not only impressed fans but have also signaled her potential to compete on a global stage, inspiring aspiring athletes across the nation.

In addition to her remarkable achievements, Henriette Jæger's charisma and sportsmanship have endeared her to fans worldwide, making her a role model for young athletes dreaming of success. Her infectious energy and unwavering determination serve as a beacon of hope and inspiration in the fiercely competitive world of athletics. As Jæger continues to soar to new heights, her journey is one that captures the essence of passion, perseverance, and the pursuit of excellence in sports.

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Image courtesy of "Aftenposten"

Henriette Jæger smadret innendørs-rekorden på 400 meter (Aftenposten)

Oppturen kom under World Indoor Tour i tsjekkiske Ostrava, som ble vist på VG+ Sport. Lieke Klaver fra Nederland vant og satte årsbeste i verden med 50,54.

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Image courtesy of "Nettavisen"

Henriette Jæger satte norsk rekord (Nettavisen)

Det er ny norsk innendørsrekord på distansen. Rekorden ble satt under et stevne i tsjekkiske Ostrava tirsdag kveld. Slettet Iuel-rekord. Dette skjer bare ti ...

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Image courtesy of "Radio Haugaland"

Jæger satte norsk innendørsrekord med 51,57 på 400 meter (Radio Haugaland)

Sport: Det var Amalie Iuel som hadde den forrige rekorden med 52,25. Henriette Jæger satte også nylig norsk rekord på 200 meter med 22,99 under er stevne i ...

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Image courtesy of "Eurosport"

Friidrettstalentet med ny norsk rekord - Eurosport (Eurosport)

Berre ti dagar etter at ho smadra den tidlegare norske rekorden på 200 meter klarte Henriette Jæger å gjenta bragda på 400 meter.

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