Jens Petter Hauge

2024 - 1 - 31

Jens Petter Hauge Returns to Bodø/Glimt: A Homecoming Saga

Jens Petter Hauge makes a triumphant return to Bodø/Glimt after his stint abroad, igniting the excitement among fans. Dive into the heartwarming story of his comeback and the buzz surrounding his renewal with the reigning champions.

In a heartwarming twist of fate, Jens Petter Hauge, the football sensation, has made a triumphant return to his roots at Bodø/Glimt. Following in the footsteps of Håkon Evjen, Hauge's sentimental homecoming has sparked waves of enthusiasm among fans. Becoming the sixth player to come back to the team after departing, the announcement of his return was met with jubilation and excitement, solidifying his status as a fan favorite.

The anticipation peaked as Bodø/Glimt convened a press conference at Aspmyra, unveiling the much-awaited news of Hauge's homecoming. Amidst cheers and applause, the beloved hero was officially confirmed to rejoin the squad, marking a significant milestone in his career. Simultaneously, the departure of Amahl Pellegrino added a bittersweet element to the unfolding saga.

Hauge's reentry into Bodø/Glimt, after a stint at AC Milan, signifies a poignant moment as he reignites his passion for the game on familiar turf. With a renewed sense of purpose, the Bodø native, known for his electrifying performances, is set to make waves once again in the football realm. The atmosphere at Aspmyra crackled with excitement as Hauge's return was celebrated, heralding a new chapter in his journey.

As the cheers subsided and the dust settled, Jens Petter Hauge embraced his reinstatement in gult colors with fervor, emphasizing his unyielding commitment to the team. With eyes fixed on the future, Hauge's presence promises a resurgence of zeal and a hint of redemption, serving as a beacon of hope for Bodø/Glimt enthusiasts.

Interesting Facts: - Jens Petter Hauge's return to Bodø/Glimt marks a pivotal moment in the club's history, encapsulating a tale of resilience and loyalty. - Bodø/Glimt's strategic move to bring back Hauge showcases their dedication to nurturing homegrown talent and fostering a sense of community within the team.

Jens Petter Hauge tilbake i Bodø/Glimt på lån (NRK)

Jens Petter Hauge (24) gjør som Håkon Evjen (23) og returnerer til Bodø/Glimt. Han blir den sjette spilleren som vender tilbake etter å ha forlatt ...

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Image courtesy of "Nettavisen"

Bekreftet: Jens Petter Hauge klar for Bodø/Glimt (Nettavisen)

Bodø/Glimt kalte inn til pressekonferanse på Aspmyra 19:00, hvor tema var ny spiller i laget. Det var deres tidligere helt Jens Petter Hauge som ble bekreftet ...

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Image courtesy of "VG Nå"

Bekreftet: Jens Petter Hauge returnerer til Bodø/Glimt – har akseptert ... (VG Nå)

Jens Petter Hauge (24) er tilbake i Bodø/Glimt på en låneavtale. Samtidig er Amahl Pellegrino (33) på vei ut.

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Image courtesy of "Bodø/Glimt"

Jens Petter tilbake i gult: – Aldri tatt foten av gasspedalen (Bodø/Glimt)

Bodøgutten Jens Petter Hauge kommer tilbake til Bodø/Glimt. Det skjer snaut 3,5 år etter at han forlot klubben til fordel for italienske AC Milan.

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Image courtesy of "Radio Haugaland"

Jens Petter Hauge gjør comeback i Bodø/Glimt (Radio Haugaland)

Økonomi og næringsliv: Spilleren ble presentert på en pressekonferanse på Aspmyra onsdag kveld. Hauge hadde håpet å finne tilbake til formen for Eintracht ...

Hauge gjør comeback i Bodø/Glimt: – Revansjelysten (Dagsavisen)

Bodø/Glimt bekrefter at Jens Petter Hauge returnerer til Aspmyra. Han signerer en låneavtale ut 2024 med opsjon på kjøp.

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Image courtesy of "Avisa Nordland"

Hauge på plass i Bodø - enig om lån (Avisa Nordland)

Jens Petter Hauge (24) blir helgul igjen.

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Image courtesy of "Aftenposten"

Bekreftet: Jens Petter Hauge returnerer til Bodø/Glimt (Aftenposten)

Angrepsspilleren returnerer til de regjerende seriemesterne etter å ha vært utenlandsproff siden høsten 2020. 24-åringen fikk sitt store gjennombrudd i Glimt og ...

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Image courtesy of "VG Nå"

Opplysninger til VG: Jens Petter Hauge på plass i Bodø – signerer ... (VG Nå)

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