Kjerstin Braathen

2024 - 1 - 31

DNB Laughing All the Way Despite Falling Prices in the Property Sector

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DNB seems unfazed by the falling prices of commercial properties, lending out billions without major losses.

Kjerstin Braathen and DNB are riding high amidst the chaos of the declining property market. Despite loaning out a whopping 245 billion kroner to the 'crisis sector,' they're barely breaking a sweat. With prices plunging faster than an over-enthusiastic skier down a Norwegian slope, DNB's portfolio remains as solid as a block of Norsk brunost.

In a world where commercial real estate values resemble a game of musical chairs gone wrong, DNB sits comfortably in the winner's circle. Like a Norse warrior in battle, they fend off potential losses with a shield of financial prowess that makes Thor himself proud. The financial landscape trembles, but DNB stands tall, waving their banner of stability in the turbulent Nordic winds.

As the dust settles and the fiscal warriors catch their breath, Kjerstin Braathen stands as the fearless leader of this financial saga. Armed with a sword of strategic foresight and a helmet polished with wisdom, she guides DNB through the stormy seas of economic uncertainty. Amidst the chaos, Braathen remains the calm captain of the DNB ship, steering it safely through the treacherous market waves.

In a world where monetary battles rage on, Kjerstin Braathen and DNB emerge victorious, their coffers filled with the spoils of financial resilience. The saga of DNB and its indomitable leader continues, a beacon of stability in the tumultuous seas of the financial world.

*Kjerstin Braathen:* Known as the shieldmaiden of finance, Braathen stands as a warrior of the fiscal realm, leading DNB to victory amidst economic strife.

*DNB:* The financial fortress of Norway, DNB proves its mettle in the face of market challenges, emerging as the unyielding guardian of stability.

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Image courtesy of "Finansavisen"

DNB tar knapt tap i «krisesektor» (Finansavisen)

Prisen på næringseiendom har falt kraftig. DNB har lånt ut 245 milliarder kroner til sektoren, men har knapt nok tatt tap. – Porteføljen vår er robust, ...

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