Kong Harald

2024 - 1 - 31

Kong Harald's Health Woes Shake Norway: A Look into the King's Sick Leave and Haakon's Duties

Discover the latest on King Harald's sick leave and Crown Prince Haakon stepping in as we delve into the royals' health update and upcoming events.

Kong Harald's recent health issues have stirred up chatter in Norway as the beloved king has taken sick leave due to a respiratory infection. Crown Prince Haakon, aged 50, has graciously stepped in to oversee the king's engagements during his absence. This is not the first time King Harald, 86, has faced health challenges, prompting concerns among the public about his well-being.

Speculation and concern reached a peak as the Palace announced Kong Harald's sick leave till Friday, 2nd February, attributing it to the respiratory infection. The royal duties now fall upon Crown Prince Haakon, who will act as the Regent in the king's place. The palace's communication manager, Guri Varpe, remained tight-lipped about further details, leaving the public curious about the king's recovery and Haakon's temporary responsibilities.

As Norwegians eagerly await Kong Harald's return, preparations for his reception are in full swing, with red carpets and the royal throne ready. Meanwhile, the Nordland Skikrets has selected the team to compete in Kong Harald's Youth Relay in Holmenkollen, adding a touch of sporting excitement amidst the royal health hiatus.

Intriguingly, despite the serious tone of the news, lighthearted anticipation mounts as Norway observes the dynamics within the royal family and the nation's response to King Harald's health. The interplay of duty, care, and public interest forms a captivating narrative around the Norwegian monarchy.

**Interesting Facts:** King Harald V, born in 1937, ascended to the throne in 1991, making him one of the longest-reigning monarchs in Norwegian history. Crown Prince Haakon, the youngest son of King Harald and Queen Sonja, is popular among Norwegians for his modern approach and charitable efforts in various social causes.

Kong Harald er sykmeldt (Dagbladet.no)

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Kong Harald er sykmeldt på grunn av luftveisinfeksjon (Seoghør.no)

Kronprins Haakon stepper. ... Onsdag formiddag opplyser kongehuset om at kong Harald (86) er sykmeldt til og med fredag 2. februar. Kongen er sykmeldt på grunn av ...

Kongen sykmeldt (Dagsavisen)

– Hans Majestet Kongen er sykmeldt til og med fredag 2. februar på grunn av en luftveisinfeksjon, heter det. Kronprins Haakon vil gjennomføre kongens program ...

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Image courtesy of "Sosialnytt.com"

Kong Harald er sykemeldt - Dette er uttalelsen fra slottet (Sosialnytt.com)

Årsaken til sykmeldingen skal være luftveisinfeksjon, opplyser Slottet i pressemeldingen. I Kongens fravær overtar Kronprins Haakon som Kronprinsregent.

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Image courtesy of "VG Nå"

Kongen sykmeldt ut fredag (VG Nå)

Kong Harald (86) er sykmeldt på grunn av en luftveisinfeksjon. ... Han vil være sykemeldt til og med fredag, 2. februar. Kronprins Haakon (50) stepper inn som ...

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Image courtesy of "Trønder-Avisa"

– Håper kongen kvikner til (Trønder-Avisa)

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Image courtesy of "Nettavisen"

Kong Harald er sykmeldt (Nettavisen)

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Image courtesy of "Norges Skiforbund"

Uttak Kong Haralds Ungdomsstafett (Norges Skiforbund)

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