
2024 - 1 - 31

Trøndelag Update: Searching for a Sound Designer, Extreme Weather Chaos, and Missing Persons Mystery

Check out the latest from Trøndelag with a mix of lyddesigner searches, extreme weather havoc, and a puzzling missing person case amidst wild coastal winds.

In the midst of the Trøndelag chaos, NRK Trøndelag is on the hunt for a talented lyddesigner to craft world-class sound experiences. Meanwhile, as Extremeværet Ingunn sweeps through, roads are closed, and public transport is at a halt - making it a perfect day to stay indoors and listen to some crafted soundscapes. However, the weather is not just disrupting daily life but also search operations for a missing man on the stormy island of Leka. Despite the police's best efforts, the extreme conditions prove too risky for the rescue team.

On the windswept island of Leka, a mystery unfolds as an elderly man goes missing amidst the harsh elements. The search effort is met with challenges, highlighting the rugged beauty and unforgiving nature of Trøndelag. As Extremevêret Ingunn rages on, coastal areas are hit hard, with Namsos witnessing the sea encroaching on land - a reminder of nature's power and unpredictability shaping the landscape.

Diving deeper into the Trøndelag scene, let's uncover some interesting tidbits. NRK Trøndelag's pursuit of a lyddesigner signifies a commitment to elevating storytelling through immersive sound experiences. Extremeværet Ingunn's impact showcases the region's resilience in the face of nature's fury, proving the strength of community response. The missing person case on Leka sheds light on the challenges of living in remote areas amidst volatile weather, emphasizing the importance of preparedness and support networks in such environments.

NRK Trøndelag søker lyddesigner (Medier24)

Vil du være med å skape lydopplevelser i verdensklasse? I denne stillingen får du utfolde deg i lydfaget og jobbe aktivt med lyd i historiefortelling. Vi ser ...

Ekstremværet Ingunn stenger E6 over Dovrefjell (NRK)

Ekstremværet Ingunn har kommet inn over land og fører til stengte veier og innstilt kollektivtrafikk.

Leteaksjon stanset av ekstremværet i Trøndelag (NRK)

Politiet måtte avbryte leteaksjonen etter en savnet mann på øya Leka i Trøndelag i natt. Det var for farlig for dem som deltok.

Leteaksjon etter savnet person på Leka: – Værhardt og veldig ... (Nettavisen)

LEKA (Namdalsavisa): En eldre mann har siden onsdag ettermiddag vært savnet på Leka i Ytre Namdalen i Trøndelag, men på grunn av svært utfordrende vær er ...

Ekstremvêret «Ingunn» har treft kysten av Vestlandet (NRK)

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