The 72-year-old former general emerges as the frontrunner in Indonesia, marking a potential shift in leadership.
Prabowo Subianto, a 72-year-old former general with a controversial past leading a dictator's special forces, has declared a commanding lead in the Indonesian election with 59.77% of the votes. Emerging as the frontrunner, he signifies a significant political landscape change in the country. His connection to the previous dictator's regime, known for allegations of torture, raises concerns amidst his current bid for power.
A quarter of a century after the fall of the bloody US-backed Indonesian dictatorship, Prabowo Subianto, the son-in-law of the former dictator, emerges as the potential president-elect. This historic shift marks a milestone in Indonesia's political history, with Prabowo's ascendancy set to reshape the nation's future. The unofficial numbers affirm his lead, highlighting a strong public sentiment towards his leadership.
In a surprising turn of events, younger voters perceive Prabowo Subianto differently, associating him with TikTok dances and cat videos rather than his authoritarian past. This unexpected change in perception may play a pivotal role in his election victory. As Prabowo gains popularity among the youth, his image evolves from a feared general to a beloved figure, positioning him as a potential unifying force in Indonesia's fractured political landscape.
The evolving narrative of Prabowo Subianto, from a controversial military figure to a potential president-elect, captures the essence of Indonesia's dynamic political environment. His lead in the election symbolizes a shift in traditional power dynamics, reflecting the changing preferences of the Indonesian electorate.
72 år gamle Prabowo Subianto har en fortid som leder for en tidligere diktators kontroversielle spesialstyrker. De anklages for å stå bak tortur og ...
Prabowo Subianto (72) leder valget i Indonesia med 59,77 prosent av stemmene, viser tall fra et uavhengig institutt. Dermed kan det ligge an til at han ...
Et kvart århundre etter det blodige USA-støttede indonesiske diktaturets fall er eks-general Prabowo Subianto, svigersønn av den tidligere diktatoren ...
Rivalene Anies Baswedan og Ganjar Prabowo har henholdsvis 23,51 og 16,72 prosents oppslutning, viser tall fra meningsmålingsinstituttet Indikator Politik. De ...
Unge velgere forbinder Prabowo Subianto med tiktokdanser og kattevideoer, ikke med vold og forfølgelse av opposisjonen. Nå ligger han an til å bli ...