Molde Legia Warszawa

2024 - 2 - 15

Molde FK Victorious Over Legia Warszawa in Conference League

Conference League - European Football - Fredrik Gulbrandsen - Legia Warszawa - Molde FK

Molde FK secured a 3-2 win against Legia Warszawa in an intense match in the Conference League. The game showcased a thrilling comeback and standout performances from key players.

Molde FK emerged triumphant with a 3-2 victory over Legia Warszawa in the 16th round of the Conference League. The match held a mixture of emotions as it initially appeared to be a celebratory night for MFK, particularly for Fredrik Gulbrandsen seeking retribution.

In a stunning display, Molde dominated the field against the Polish visitors. Within twelve minutes, Fredrik Gulbrandsen netted two goals and Markus Kaasa added another, setting the tone of the game. The atmosphere was electric, and Moldes' prowess was undeniable, showcasing their strength in the competition.

However, Molde's exceptional start against Legia was overshadowed by a disappointing turn of events in the second half. Despite a solid lead, a resilient Legia Warszawa side mounted a strong comeback, eventually securing a 3-2 scoreline. The match's outcome provided a challenging situation for Molde as they head into the upcoming fixture on Polish turf.

Facing Legia's formidable home advantage and previous victories, Molde's task in the return leg is daunting. Legia Warszawa's recent triumphs against teams like Aston Villa pose a significant threat to Molde's aspirations in the Conference League, adding pressure to the upcoming fixture.

Interesting Facts: 1. Molde fans are required to provide identification for stadium entry during Legia Warszawa's visit, emphasizing heightened security measures. 2. Despite an initial dream start, Molde faced setbacks as Legia staged a remarkable comeback, highlighting the unpredictable nature of competitive football matches.

Molde FK 3–2 mot Legia Warszawa i 16.-delsfinalen av Conference ... (NRK)

Det såg lenge ut som ein jubelkveld for MFK mot Legia Warszawa, i det som blei ein revansje for Fredrik Gulbrandsen.

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Image courtesy of "VG Nå"

Molde sesongåpnet med seier i Europa – men rotet vekk ... (VG Nå)

Molde kjørte over de polske gjestene. Det var tre mål signert Fredrik Gulbrandsen (2) og Markus Kaasa på tolv minutter. Det virket nesten som Moldes ...

Molde rotet bort knallsterkt utgangspunkt mot Legia: – Føles ikke ... (Dagsavisen)

(Molde - Legia Warszawa 3-2). Molde startet friskt og kjørte over Legia Warszawa i første omgang, men et «nytt» bortelag kom på etter pause og berget 2-3 i ...

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Image courtesy of "Radio Haugaland"

Molde vant 3-2 i conferenceligaen tross Legia Warszawa-comeback (Radio Haugaland)

Sport: Det betyr et småvrient utgangspunkt for Molde i returkampen i Polen neste uke. Legia Warszawa er et meget sterkt hjemmelag og slo Aston Villa, ...

Bortefans nektes inngang på Molde-kamp: Slik vil Molde unngå nye ... (TV 2)

Molde-fansen må legitimere seg med ID for å slippe inn på egen stadion når Legia Warszawa kommer på besøk.

Slapp med skrekken (

Molde fikk en drømmestart mot Legia i Conference League. Så slo bortelaget plutselig tilbake.

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Image courtesy of "Nettavisen"

Molde rotet bort knallsterkt utgangspunkt mot Legia: – Føles ikke ... (Nettavisen)

Et friskt Molde-lag kjørte over Legia Warszawa i første omgang, men et «nytt» bortelag kom på etter pause og berget 2-3 i conferenceligaen torsdag kveld.

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